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Hot Water System

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Hot Water System

Hot Water System: Tempering valves.

Tempering valves are to regulate water temperature to maximum of 50 degrees to any fixture used for hygiene purposes. This valve can sometimes malfunction if not checked and can cause issues such as bacteria growth called legionaries. May also be to hot and cause scalding to elderly and infants. For further details on Hot Water issues, Book a service with Buz Services.

Hot Water System: Limiting Valve, Isolation and Non return.

Hot Water System: This valve is the first valve that enters the valve train of your Hot water service (Cold Water Feed). This Combination in One valve can save a lot of issues when it comes to Excessive water pressures from the Water mains. Regulates the in pressure to maximum of 500 kpa. Isolates the cold water to the hot water system and also stops from cross contamination. For further details on Hot Water issues, Book a service with Buz Services.

Hot Water System: Pressure and Temperature relief.

Hot Water System: You should refer to the manufacturer’s Specifications on how often to test your PTR valve – although as a rule of thumb this is normally something you should do once every six months. Should be Replaced at intervals not exceeding 5 years.

TPR valves have a limited rated service life too, and need to be replaced periodically. Again, how often they need to be replaced will depend on what’s recommended by the manufacturer. In many cases this is something you’ll need to do once every 5 years. For further details on Hot Water issues, Book a service with Buz Services.